DCM Consulting

"Dutch" Chris Moyer has;
- Planned and conducted small unit tactics in support of Unconventional Warfare, Special Reconnaissance, and Foreign Internal Defense and Direct Action missions.
- Took part in over 1000 of successful combat assaults in classified and unclassified missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
- Trained and participated in training Task Force partners (FBI HRT/Ranger Regiment/SAS/SASR/KSK/FSK/JTF2/U.S. Border Patrol) to include indigenous forces of Columbia, Thailand, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait and the KSA
- Trained Domestic, Federal LE, United Kingdom, Australian, Canadian, New Zealander, German and Norwegian K9 Forces
- K9 Troop Sergeant Major/Operations Sergeant Major/Task Force Liaison Officer/Team Leader/K9 Handler/Operator Team Member/ Platoon Sergeant/Squad Leader/Team Leader/Machinegun Team Leader/Assistant Gunner/203 Gunner/SAW Gunner/Rifleman
- K9 Program Manager USSOCOM
- Proficient in Pistol/Rifle/SAW MG/M240 MG/Carl Gustav AT gun and many various makes and models of small arms (to include foreign weapons) and crew served weapons.
Schools: U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, Infantryman Basic and Advanced Noncommissioned Officer School (NCO), Jungle Operators Course, Military Free fall Parachutist, Pathfinder, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) High Risk (Level C), Jumpmaster, Ranger, Airborne, Infantryman, Amor Crewman, Jungle Operations Warfare, Advanced Land Navigation, Sniper, SOT, Combat Lifesaver, Canine Handler, Canine Decoy, ITI, Survival Systems Instruction, 4 Wheel Drive School, Skip Barber Racing School, O’Neil Rally School
Decorations: Egyptian Parachutist Badge, German Parachutist Badge, Royal Thai Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Ranger Tab, Master Parachutist Badge, Free Fall Parachutist Badge, Drivers Badge w/T designator, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Expert Infantryman’s Badge
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star Medal (x5)
Joint Service Commendation Medal with Valor Device
Army Commendation Medal with Valor Device
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (x2)
Iraqi Campaign Medal with 4 Campaign Stars
Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Arrowhead
Later Career:
- Currently owner/Operator at DCM Consulting training the U.S. Air force STTS pipeline in Marksmanship and CQB.
- Team member Shaffer Security Group
- Worked with Diamondback Tactical Body Armor and Tactical Gear Company as lead Special Operations liaison and design chief.
- Working with Department of State as an expert in mobile and static security.
- Working with Kuwaiti MOI on numerous projects regarding marksmanship/CQB/K9
- Working with the KSA on an 8-week Operator/K9 Handler course
- Independent Contractor teaching various Law Enforcement agencies in Pistol/Rifle and Close Quarter Battle
Mission Statement:
DCM Consulting is committed to giving back. Committed to “Proper Tactical Training” ™ to LEOs, Military and select great Americans. After 12 years of combat and 26 years of training with US Army Rangers and the highest level of Special Operations Forces, we live by the mantra “My Sword is your Shield” ™
This mantra comes from the ancient warfare style when Greek Hoplites and Roman soldiers were next to each other in the Phalanx. Each Soldier used the shield that was carried by the man to his left or right. Thus integrating each other into the line. The man to the left or right of you is the most important. We work together and succeed by protecting each other.
So, welcome aboard. We look forward to serving you and helping you become better in your journey with us.
Click on any picture to links to my videos.