The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter
The Time of the Gunfighter

The Time of the Gunfighter

  • Sale
  • Regular price $650.00


Dutch's "The Time of the Gunfighter" is for skilled shooters/warriors. It is designed to refine existing skills and push the performance of the shooter with Stress Inoculation.

"Bring lots of hydration, a towel, and your favorite CD"

Course Curriculum

  • Cold Shoot
  • Run and Gun
  • CQB Drills
  • Barricades 
  • Vehicles 
  • Communication (individual and team)
  • Target Transitions
  • Trigger Manipulation
  • Magazine Changes
  • Malfunctions
  • Competition
  • AAR

*700 rounds for Pistol

*700 rounds for Rifle

*Demographics of course participants to include skill level and prior training make the course curriculum subject to change.