Couples Therapy PROPER TACTICAL TRAINING ™ March 4th 2023 Trigger Time, NC
Couples Therapy PROPER TACTICAL TRAINING ™ March 4th 2023 Trigger Time, NC
Couples Therapy PROPER TACTICAL TRAINING ™ March 4th 2023 Trigger Time, NC
Couples Therapy PROPER TACTICAL TRAINING ™ March 4th 2023 Trigger Time, NC

Couples Therapy PROPER TACTICAL TRAINING ™ March 4th 2023 Trigger Time, NC

  • Sale
  • Regular price $400.00

Too often only men train to be able to defend themselves in worst case scenarios, but leave the critical gap of what does their spouse do? This course is designed for couples to work cohesively as a team to develop skills to better be able to defend themselves for the wide variety of threats posed in modern society. 2 is 1, 1 is none!

What to expect to take away from this course:

- Understanding of what you and your significant other can accomplish together.

- How to work dynamically as a team in high stress scenarios with firearms.

- How each other will react under high stress and ways to mitigate it.

- Increased awareness of potential indicators and threats to your safety.

- Planning considerations for everyday life and extended trips from the home.


How we will accomplish this:

-Coverage of crime statistics, real life experiences, and situational awareness discussions

-Weapon concealed carry/storage techniques

-Shooting from concealment, inside buildings, and from out of vehicles during in-depth scenarios


What you will need to bring:

-His and Her firearms + 1 spare magazine per weapon(minimum)

-250rds per person (minimum)

-Concealment holsters

-Close toe shoes/boots

-Hearing protection

-Eye protection

-Lunch (we will take a break onsite)


Minimum Pre-requisites:

- Basic firearm safe handling

- At Home Dry fire Training: Drawing from concealed, trigger manipulation, target transition (plenty of videos of how to dryfire, inquire if you need more guidance or suggestions prior to the course) Practice ahead of time to get comfortable with your firearms, we will refine the process during the course. 


- Range time: Both of you should fire your weapons prior to this class to ensure you each have a reliable gun that you are comfortable shooting. 

- Quality Holsters: Finding the right holster to conceal can be a challenge, especially for women to not be forced to change their clothing style. (My wife uses a Phlster Enigma or Comfort Concealment belt to hold her Close Quarter Kydex holster comfortably under leggings. There are many options on the market for standard holsters with belts as well, reach out if you need help with holster selection.)


Reach out with any questions or for more information


*7hr Block of instruction, 0900-1600 March 4th, 2023

*Location: Trigger Time

185 Atkins Lane

Carthage, NC 28327

*Price Per couple

*Course Date/Locations Subject to change.